
Phone Number

  0493 788 081        info@derdiedas.com.au


Sarah is an experienced German Teacher from Kiel/Northern Germany who has been teaching German in Brisbane since 2013, covering all levels.

Some key facts about her: Sarah ...
  • is a native German speaker (speaks standard High German - no accent/dialect)
  • is certified in TCI (Theme-Centered Interaction), an engaging and interactive group teaching/learning method
  • has a Bachelor's degree in Empirical Linguistics and Pedagogy (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)
  • works as a proofreader of German school books for a publishing house in Berlin
  • has a Certificate IV in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)


Monday - Thursday: 9.30 am - late
Saturday afternoon


Contact Details:

Phone: 0420 242 252 
Email: sarah@derdiedas.com.au 

Contact Sarah