How to use your German Course Book
This article is about "Schritte International Neu 1".
In case you find your book confusing, don't worry. You are not alone and will have the hang of it in no time. The tricky bit is, that the book has three parts to it. Each section starts with page number 1.
The three sections of the book:
1. Textbook or "Kursbuch":
This is the part, that we will cover in class. It is the beginning of the book and is divided into chapters or "Lektionen".
2. Workbook or "Arbeitsbuch" (AB):
Pages with a dotted stripe towards the end of the book. Some exercises will require you to listen to an audio file. These files are included on the CD in the back of the book.
Alternatively, you can download the audio files here.
3. Vocabulary or "Lernwortschatz" (LWS):
This is the vocab list at the end of the book. These pages also have a dotted line.
Extras and Downloads
The CD included in your book contains all Audio files you need for completing the "Arbeitsbuch" or workbook part of the course book. It does not contain the audio files needed for the parts we cover in class (Kursbuch).
Audio files:
All files are available for download from the publisher's website.
Kursbuch = course book
Arbeitsbuch = workbook
Interactive app:
This app contains all the videos and audio files needed for the book, including the course book part. It is a bit glitchy but will enable you to play audio files directly from your phone.
Online exercises:
You can also practice online. Simply follow this link and choose which chapter (Lektion) you'd like to practice:
Answer keys for the book:
We won't always have enough time in class to go through each home learning exercise. With the answer key you can check your answers yourself. We can then talk about "tricky bits" in class.
German - English Glossary:
A chronological word list translated from German to English. (Level 1 and 2)